Contact Me

Please share with me any feedback you have about this website, positive or negative. Do you have any suggestions for additional information that should be added to make the site more useful? I strive to make this a comprehensive resource for everyone interested in HPV-caused cancers. Let me know if you think the facts stated are incorrect or if needed context is missing. My final request: if you have young kids, please speak to your pediatrician about having them vaccinated against HPV, because cancer prevention beats cancer treatment!
I’m available to speak to groups about HPV and the HPV vaccine. I advocate for the safe and effective vaccine because I don’t want others to have to go through what I, and tens of thousands of others, have had to endure in terms of developing HPV-caused cancers. If you can prevent some cancers, why not do it? I’m a Head and Neck Cancer Alliance Ambassador as well as an American Cancer Society Mission HPV Cancer Free Volunteer Champion. For those of you who are interested, I was interviewed by public station WORT-FM in Madison, WI on Aug. 1, 2019 about the rise of vaccine hesitancy as well as the value of the HPV vaccine. Those who’d like to hear the interview can click here.
Email me: HPVcancerresources@gmail.com